There is an edge in all collaborations where one sensibility buts up against another different sensibility, where one approach runs into another, where one technique encounters something else. In that contact, between two positions, the edge is implicitly felt as the point beyond one individual cannot push and therefore a process of negotiating to move the verge (con-verge-ence or di-verge-ence) to anew point of shared sensibility begins.
For Cielo and I this moving of the verge (a negotiation) is first and foremost between us. How do we position the edges of our desires and ideas? Then it is with the constraints of the actual space. What can be done physically and where will gravity work for and against us? Finally, it is with the public who will be involved in our public art project.
How will they interact with the work over time? Added to that, we have chosen as our site (now six years in the coordinating) a medieval walled city in Umbria (Porchiano del Monte) where all the best places for siting public art are along the actual edge of the city wall. Small, buttressed remains of watchtowers (now empty) dot the wall along the perimeter of the town. Parks with stones set in the ground marking off where the townsfolk once danced on the periphery of the streets are left to collect dust.
Courtyards bounding the rock houses are the thresholds of where communal activities once took place. These are the outskirts and edges where we have built up a handhold, or a finger grip with our public art projects. We are seeking to bring these sites back from the brink of disappearance and recover the sense of their frontiers within ourselves as member of a world we inhabit and not just move through in transitional tour visit.